Welcome to mageta.org¶
Hello and welcome to my presence in the web. Like the banner on the left says, this is my personal website, Blog, and some various other stuff of interest (at least to me :-)).
Latest Blog Posts¶
2021.07.11 - Big Trees, and a Place of Murder¶
When I was out and about this week, I started at the same place as last week - in Bebenhausen - but I went into the opposite direction, towards Waldenbuch.

The map was made with the tools at https://www.gpsvisualizer.com/.¶
The way is mostly in the forest. It only opens up with some fields and meadows once you get near Waldenbuch. After the rain over the last days and weeks, the forest was pretty muddy, and it turns out, not all trails that you see in Openstreetmaps are all that “solid”/well maintained 😅.
I came across a place of murder in the middle of the forest! The trail was pretty cold already though.. from the 19th century 😉. Towards Waldenbuch - south of the “Braunäcker” - there is also a giant redwood in the forest, also from the 19th century. I didn’t really expect that.
2021.07.03 - From the Monastery in Bebenhausen, Across the Natural Preserve Schönbuch, to Ehningen¶
As of late, this was my longest walk yet: 23 km. Starting in Bebenhausen, a small village north of Tübingen, I crossed the natural preserve Schönbuch, and eventually - after my feet started to hurt like crazy, maybe I need to get other shoes - ended up in Ehningen.

The map was made with the tools at https://www.gpsvisualizer.com/.¶
In Bebenhausen there is a small monastery, or at least the buildings left from one. As far as I can tell its not used anymore, other than for tourists. Otherwise Bebenhausen seems like a nice place, too. Although there is not that much more in it.
From the village its only a short way to get to the natural preserve. You notice once you get to the gates 😅. I went up the Bromberg to come across whats left over of a small hermitage from the 13th century. There is not all that much to see anymore, and the ruins are rather overgrown by now, but it must have been pretty hermitty there when it was still in use 🧙.
Outside of the natural preserve again, going more or less north, the next village on the way is Hildrizhausen. I didn’t really have any big impression from there. Like I said, eventually I ended up one more village to the north: Ehningen. I didn’t really plan to, but I ended up right next to the Germany headquarters of my employer.
So now I even know a new way of how to get there. It took me six hours.. and I probably could not really have worked afterwards, but you know.. at least its a scenic route.
2021.06.26 - Hiking from Warmbronn to Stuttgart¶
Warmbronn, part of the city Leonberg, is a small village in the west of Stuttgart. Getting there without a car is a bit of a hassle 😅 - took me over an hour by bus and railway, even though, if you look on the map, it should be rather close. Anyway.
The space outside the village is a bit of open space - fields and such -, but before long you get back into the forst outside of Stuttgart.
To get back to my home, I mainly followed these tracks this time: Warmbronn - Sindelfingen Martinskirche, Rundwanderweg 2, Rundwanderweg 1, Blauer Balken auf weißem Grund, Roter Punkt auf weissem Grund, Rotes Kreuz, Solitude - Leinfelden. There is a couple of small hills you have to go up, but nothing too bad.
Along the way, outside of Warmbronn, there is also two pubs in the forest. One - the Waldeck - is just 10 to 15 minutes outside of the village; the other - the Fischerhütte am Hölzersee - is about 45 to 60 minutes by foot, if you go from Warmbronn. The second one seems like a nice place to go for a drink, and sit next to the small lake; once this COVID-19 bullshit is over, I shall do that.
2021.06.19 - Visiting the Birkenkopf in Stuttgart¶
Now its really summer 🥵. I went to the memorial site “Birkenkopf”, a small hill on the west side of Stuttgart. Its a nice place from where you can see big parts of the city and sou rounding areas - the view is great. Not sure how many people are there during normal times, right now its less than a handful.
For the way there, I mostly walked the hiking trails Rotes Kreuz, Solitude - Leinfelden, and Martinusweg Mittelroute (although just a very small part of that).
The way mostly leads through forest, but also past a few smaller memorial stones and plates, and past a few small lakes - the “Katzenbachsee”, “Bärensee”, “Neuer See”, and the “Pfaffensee”.
Oh yeah, if you don’t want to walk there all the way, there is also a bus stop just a few minutes away. You still have to “climb” up the hill, but there is a road 😉 (only for pedestrians).
2021.06.17 - Using systemd-run to Manage Long-Running Process Groups¶
In my last blog entry 2021.06.04 - Using Other Window Managers with Plasma 5.21 and systemd Startup I provided and described how you can use a simple script to launch applications in their own transient systemd scope.
After using that script in my desktop workflow to launch desktop applications I realized I could, with some minor modifications to the script, also use it to launch large multi-process programs on the shell; and so have them also be organized in a transient systemd scope. This allows for some nice ways to simply address the whole group of processes in systemd, and manage them with the commands that offers.
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